dYdX Ecosystem Development Program Initiates New Round Of Grants, Allocating $2M To Ten Projects

dYdX Ecosystem Development Program initiated a new round of grants amounting to approximately $2 million. This round encompasses ten distinct projects, addressing various areas such as wallet integration, market making, trading bots, and enhancements to user interfaces.

The Keplr Wallet Trading Integration grant supports the complete integration of Keplr Wallet with the dYdX trading application, alongside a retroactive grant for Keplr’s current DYDX staking and governance integration.

Another grant is aimed at empowering Pulsar Trading to enhance exchange liquidity through the program. The partnership with Raven and Velar Technologies has been extended for an extra 6 months, expanding support to 60 markets.

Moreover, the dYdX Ecosystem Development Program will allocate funds to Chaos Labs to operate the release incentives program. Recently renewed by the dYdX community, this program involves an added $10 million worth of DYDX tokens to incentivize traders and individuals actively utilizing the protocol.

Furthermore, the Isaac Telegram Trading Bot grant will support the incorporation with Isaac for perpetual trading via dYdX. The first version will facilitate trading in dYdX’s primary markets (BTC, ETH, SOL). The Copy Trading Bot grant was allocated to Erience Solutions to facilitate the creation of an open-source copy trading bot. Furthermore, AJ LaMarc will be tasked with creating a client with a one-click installation.

Nabla HQ Secures Funding For dYdX Trading History And Markets Page Revamp, Helius Labs Awarded Grant For Solana Nodes

As part of the Trading History and Markets Page Frontend Revamp initiative, Nabla HQ has received funding to develop an “export” function and renew the market webpage. Additionally, a grant has been launched for Solana Nodes for the dYdX Testnet. Helius Labs will oversee two Solana RPC nodes to support dYdX testnet validators in accessing price data.

Moreover, the dYdX Ecosystem Development Program has initiated the dYdX Merch Renewal grant. The program’s duration has been extended by six months to support the introduction of new products and operational enhancements.

We are thrilled to announce a new round of @dYdX grants! 🦔

This round includes ten grants for a total of ~$2M in funding.


— dYdX Ecosystem Development Program (@dydx_grants) June 10, 2024

Developers interested in contributing to dYdX can begin the process by applying for a grant. The project continually accepts and reviews applications. To apply, prospective participants need to complete the form available on the dedicated grants page of the dYdX website. Following the submission, the lead will directly contact applicants whose documents are successfully considered for a grant.

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