Huawei is assertive: We caught up with Nvidia

Continuing to develop chip technologies despite adverse conditions, Huawei managed to surpass Nvidia's artificial intelligence accelerator, which was released 4 years ago.

Despite this, Chinese companies that developed chip technologies with limited resources due to embargoes managed to dominate the domestic market. So much so that even #Nvidia could not cope with the competition and had to discount the H20 chip.

Huawei, which was about to be eliminated from the chip market for a while but returned to the game with the efforts of the Chinese government, has become an important alternative in the artificial intelligence market with different solutions. The company now thinks it has caught up with Nvidia.

Wang Tao, chief of the firm's Ascend and Kunpeng department, claims that the Ascend 910B chip is 20 percent better than the #Nvidia A100 chip in training performance. In recent weeks, it was reported that the Nvidia H20 accelerator outperformed its sales performance.

Of course, the understanding of nationalism and state support in the country has an important place. Internet giants such as Tencent and Baidu made significant purchases from #Huawei . This has resulted in a wide area of ​​adoption. Not only Huawei but also different local chip designers have achieved growth in this process.