Machi Big Brother's FRIEND Frenzy

Since May 3, crypto influencer Machi Big Brother (machibigbrother) has been on a relentless buying spree, amassing a significant position in FRIEND tokens. Over the past month, he has poured 4,975 ETH, equivalent to $15.6 million, into acquiring 8.6 million FRIEND tokens. His average purchase price stands at $1.81 per token.

However, the market has not been kind to his investment. At the current prices, Machi Big Brother is facing a substantial unrealized loss of $7.9 million on his FRIEND holdings.

Investment Details:

Total Investment: 4,975 ETH ($15.6M)

Total FRIEND Acquired: 8.6M

Average Purchase Price: $1.81

Current Loss: $7.9M



The significant dip in FRIEND's value has undoubtedly made this a challenging period for Machi Big Brother, who continues to hold his position despite the current market downturn.

The crypto community watches with interest, wondering if this bet on $FRIEND will turn around or remain a costly lesson.