4 Easy Steps To Get Started On Injective, the fastest layer 1 specifically built for finance.

If you are new to the @Injective ecosystem, and wondering how or where to start?

Then, kindly follow these easy steps below.

-- Create your Injective wallet: Seamlessly connect your existing wallet or create a wallet from the list of compatible wallets

👉 hub.injective.network

-- Get Injective's native token $INJ with your local currency.

👉 injective.com/getinj

-- Explore Injective ecosystem

👉 hub.injective.network

-- Bridging Assets: Seamlessly transfer your assets from other chains to Injective

👉 hub.injective.network/bridge




Finally, Join the Injective Discord community to connect with fellow Ninjas and have any additional questions answered.

👉 discord.gg/injective

Btw, you can connect with me on X, username: @JoshuaAbel68

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