According to PANews, the Chief Information Security Officer of SlowMist Technology, 23pds, has revealed the main reasons for personal and institutional asset loss. In a post on platform X, he listed the causes in order of prevalence.

The most common cause, accounting for 32% of cases, is the leakage of mnemonic phrases and private keys. This is followed by improper wallet use and phishing attacks, which make up 18% of cases. The third most common cause, at 16%, is the downloading of fake wallets and fraudulent trading software.

Phishing attacks using head and tail numbers and Trojan software account for 13% of cases, while professional hacker group attacks make up 6%. False chat software, with middle tampering, accounts for 8% of cases. Targeted attacks and phishing on trading platforms where assets are stored make up 4% of cases. Lastly, transfer errors, operation errors, Ponzi schemes, and contract loopholes account for 3% of cases.

23pds concluded his post by stating that it is a joke to think that one's assets are safer when stored by oneself. He argued that 99% of people cannot properly safeguard their own assets, and one should not expect to be in the remaining 1%.