iExec is excited to unveil the launch of the iExec Developer Rewards program, an initiative designed to catalyze innovation within the iExec protocol ecosystem. Boasting a dedicated fund of $1 million, this program serves as an inspiration for developers to explore the diverse avenues of potential that iExec offers.

This endeavor encompasses two distinct avenues of funding:

  1. Swiftly Accessible Rewards for Application Developers: This category presents an opportunity for developers, whether working independently or as part of a larger team, to earn rewards by crafting applications that leverage the power of iExec technology.

  2. Sustained Grant Funding for Ambitious Projects: For more substantial and ambitious undertakings, iExec is providing grant funding that extends over the long term. These grants are earmarked for projects that showcase significant innovation and value, while harnessing the capabilities of the iExec protocol and the RLC (or eRLC) token.

The iExec Developer Rewards program is an ongoing initiative that warmly welcomes all participants keen on engaging with iExec. The rewards tiers span a wide spectrum, catering to a range of project sizes and scopes, from entry-level rewards for smaller initiatives to substantial grants for more intricate ventures.

Navigating Project Submission:

To be a part of this program, you need to submit a project proposal through the designated submission form . The form is structured to gather comprehensive information about your project, including its intended purpose, the challenges it seeks to address, and the unique iExec features it will leverage. For projects seeking extensive, long-term grants, the submission process delves into aspects like project timeline and the rationale behind projected costs.

For your convenience, it's recommended to draft your responses in an external document before transferring them to the form.

Criteria for Evaluation:

The iExec team will evaluate your project proposal against a set of key criteria:

  1. Adoption Value: The extent to which your project contributes to the adoption of the RLC token.

  2. Utility of Use-Case: The practical significance of your project's proposed use-case.

  3. Team Proficiency: The skill set and experience of your development team.

  4. Technical Feasibility: The viability of your project's technical implementation.

  5. Innovation: The novel aspects and creativity embodied by your project.

  6. Eligibility: Ensuring that your project aligns with the stipulated eligibility prerequisites.

Submission Requirements:

For your project submission to be eligible for consideration:

  • It should integrate the iExec tech stack and the RLC token.

  • It should not be reliant on pre-existing code from external sources.

  • Thorough documentation must be provided to facilitate understanding.

Bringing Your Vision to Life and Reaping Rewards:

Following your project proposal submission, the iExec team will evaluate it within a span of 2 weeks. Upon approval, a public Gitcoin bounty will be initiated. Upon successful project completion and delivery, compensation will be processed through the Gitcoin platform.

The Vast Horizons of iExec Applications:

iExec's dynamic marketplace empowers individuals and entities to monetize an array of resources:

  • Application Providers: Can monetize their distinct applications and algorithms.

  • Computing Power Contributors (iExec Workers): Enthusiasts who contribute their computing resources to the network, earning RLC tokens in return.

  • Data Contributors: Those who possess valuable datasets can share them with applications via iExec.

Moreover, iExec's PoCo (Proof of Contribution) consensus protocol facilitates agreement on off-chain computing and supports integration with decentralized oracles. The platform's capabilities extend to confidential computing and trusted off-chain computation within the realm of blockchain.

To deepen your understanding of iExec, the iExec Academy serves as an invaluable resource. It's a repository of diverse content, spanning articles, technical documentation, videos, interactive demos, and more. Whether you're a newcomer or an adept, a developer or a crypto enthusiast, the iExec Academy caters to your learning needs.