The month of May 2024 witnessed significant activity in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, with several projects demonstrating remarkable Total Value Locked (TVL) growth. According to data from and, here are the top 15 projects by TVL growth, highlighting the diverse and dynamic nature of the DeFi landscape.

1. BitGenie (+3,783%)
- TVL: $29.0M
- Leading the charge, BitGenie experienced a staggering 3,783% growth in TVL. This explosive growth reflects increased user adoption and confidence in the platform’s innovative offerings.

2. Puff Penthouse (+2,181%)
- TVL: $26.6M
- Puff Penthouse also saw significant traction, with a 2,181% increase in TVL. The platform's unique features and strong community engagement likely contributed to this surge.

3. TLX Finance (+1,867%)
- TVL: $13.7M
- TLX Finance’s robust performance, with a 1,867% growth, underscores its growing influence and the appeal of its financial services to the DeFi community.

4. Nile (+1,012%)
- TVL: $80.3M
- Nile showcased a 1,012% increase in TVL, becoming a major player in the DeFi space with its high-value propositions and extensive user base.

5. Pencils Protocol (+793%)
- TVL: $46.3M
- Pencils Protocol's impressive 793% growth indicates strong market penetration and the effectiveness of its protocol in attracting substantial investments.

6. Particle (+683%)
- TVL: $312M
- With a 683% increase in TVL, Particle stands out for its substantial capital influx, reflecting its trustworthiness and potential for long-term growth.

7. Aera (+657%)
- TVL: $24.0M
- Aera's 657% TVL growth showcases its rising prominence and the increasing value it provides to its users.

8. Swell (+445%)
- TVL: $3.0B
- Swell's growth of 445% to a TVL of $3.0B highlights its dominance in the DeFi space, leveraging scale and innovation to attract significant capital.

9. Ring Swap (+412%)
- TVL: $48.6M
- Ring Swap’s 412% increase in TVL demonstrates its successful strategies in liquidity provision and user engagement.

10. Deri V4 (+370%)
- TVL: $67.2M
- Deri V4 saw a 370% growth in TVL, indicating strong market interest in its derivatives trading platform.

11. Vela Exchange (+354%)
- TVL: $10.9M
- Vela Exchange’s 354% increase in TVL reflects its expanding user base and the effectiveness of its trading solutions.

12. StakeDAO (+350%)
- TVL: $74.6M
- StakeDAO’s growth of 350% is indicative of its strong value proposition in staking and yield optimization services.

13. Toros (+299%)
- TVL: $81.1M
- Toros experienced a 299% increase in TVL, showcasing its appeal in the competitive DeFi lending and borrowing market.

14. Aerodrome Slipstream (+254%)
- TVL: $83.2M
- With a 254% growth in TVL, Aerodrome Slipstream continues to attract substantial investments, highlighting its innovative solutions in the DeFi sector.

15. Sushi Furo (+222%)
- TVL: $115M
- Sushi Furo rounds out the list with a 222% increase in TVL, reflecting sustained interest and confidence in its decentralized exchange services.

These projects' significant TVL growth underscores the dynamic nature of the DeFi sector, with new and established platforms alike attracting substantial capital and user interest. As DeFi continues to evolve, these projects are well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for decentralized financial services.


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