Noah Perlman, Binance's Chief Compliance Officer, discussed the latest in the legal battle involving Nigeria and Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan.

Perlman commented on the ongoing saga involving two Binance executives and the Nigerian government without giving much hope for a resolution anytime soon.

"We don't really see a clear roadmap to getting him back in the near term," said Perlman during an interview with CNBC, in reference to Tigran Gambaryan.

Perlman said that Binance is doing as much as possible to get Gambaryan back to the United States, but the U.S. government has most of the power in negotiations. Gambaryan has worked for the IRS in the past.

"I have faith in the us government to do the right thing here," Perlman said.

Gambaryan is suspected of having malaria after collapsing in court on May

24. Despite a court order for his transfer to a hospital, Gambaryan has not been moved from prison, where inadequate medical facilities are hindering proper diagnosis and treatment.

"We suspect he may have malaria. He slumped in court today," Perlman said.

Citing past Binance negotiations, Perlman emphasized the company's willingness to cooperate with authorities.

"If [Binance] has done something wrong in the past, and I'm not saying that we have or we haven't, but if we have, we want to come to the table and resolve it," Perlman said. "And our message to the Nigerian government is you don't need to hold on to Tigrin."

What are your #thoughts on this?
