AnatoliaToken; As a truly community token, it started trading on Pankekswap on the BSC network on May 1, 2024. 40% of the token with a total supply of 100,000,000,000 is locked and the locks will be opened in 4 periods every 3 months.

7.5% of the total supply will be sent manually every time the lock is opened. AnatoliaToken (#AND ); It has an understanding that protects its investor base against speculative movements and prevents them from being harmed. AND, which already has NFTs for sale, is a token with an ambitious, Turkish developer team that aims to bridge the ETH and Sbariuyum network in its 12-month road map, as well as CEX stock exchange listings and web3 game development integrated into its website.

AND token is developed by a team committed to the road map and committed to transparency.

The AND developer team consists of "market makers" who have been in BIST for years. For this reason, from the first day it was released, it showed that it was not a conventional, short-evolution gem project. In addition to stating that they will remain faithful to the road map at every opportunity, the AND team also underlines that they will make bigger breakthroughs that are not included in the road map, mainly in the 3rd and 4th quarters, which will make AND among the indispensables in the crypto world. Setting out with the motto 'The Sun Will Rise from Anatolia', AnatoliaToken is confident and assertive.

AND token Tax is 8%

3% Marketing

2% LP

2% automatic burn

Return to %1 holders.



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