### Veteran Analyst: The Biggest Bitcoin (BTC) Rally in History Might Be Starting!

Peter Brandt, a seasoned financial markets expert, has turned his keen eye to the crypto market once again. Known for his insightful commentary on #Bitcoin (BTC), Brandt recently shared a compelling new analysis.

In his latest examination, Brandt revealed that Bitcoin's current chart bears a striking resemblance to the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) during the 1970s. He suggests that if this pattern holds true, Bitcoin is poised for an unprecedented upward surge.

Brandt emphasized that Bitcoin has yet to surpass its 2017 peak when adjusted for the US dollar supply. He explained, "Bitcoin's core premise hinges on the eventual downfall of fiat currencies, such as the US dollar."

He pointed out a crucial chart showing Bitcoin's price relative to the total US money stock (M1), noting that this ratio remains below the December 2017 peak. The parallels between this chart and the DJIA during the Great Recession of the 1970s are remarkable.

"I will continue to monitor this TOBO (Triple Bottom) pattern," Brandt said. "Schabacker (1934) and Edwards and Magee (1948) have validated this model (Reverse Head and Shoulders). If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me."

Could this be the start of the biggest Bitcoin rally ever? Stay tuned and watch the charts! $BTC $ETH