Supra, a completely vertically integrated L1 blockchain, has announced the plan to unveil its latest consensus mechanism. As per the platform, it will present ‘Moonshot’ at DSN 2024, a well-known annual conference dealing with dependable networks and systems around the world. It also lies among the longest-operating events under the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Supra to Appear at DSN 2024 to Uncover the Latest Consensus Mechanism ‘Moonshot’

This time, the team of Supra intends to present the official whitepaper of Moonshot. It describes the consensus mechanism thoroughly. The team will also demonstrate how the mechanism establishes exclusive standards concerning the blockchain industry. As a part of the demonstration, the team will reportedly compare the huge spikes in Moonshot’s throughput.

Additionally, it will also take into account Moonshot’s decreases in latency concerning Jolteon. Jolteon presently secures a position among the most performing and the most rapid consensus algorithms in the decentralized world. Supra has the credit for creating the top price feeds as well as verifiable randomness facilities. The reports have pointed out that above eighty blockchain ecosystems have adopted the respective services.

The Distributed Oracle Agreement of Supra focuses on accelerating blockchain capabilities. It also pays considerable attention to lead to real-world data integration. In addition to this, it addresses the problems concerning Byzantine faults along with data integrity regarding smart contracts. By design, DORA addresses the off-chain and on-chain use cases like perpetual and spot DEXs, payment protocols, and lending protocols.

Moreover, it contributes a lot to creating a connection between the real world and the deterministic blockchain ecosystems. The exclusive and innovative consensus mechanism of Supra offers resilient security and swift performance. In its cutting-edge worldwide testing phase, the platform demonstrated the capability of Moonshot to process up to 530K transfers per second across nearly 125 nodes.

The consensus mechanism also possesses an optimistic finality of almost 500 milliseconds. Furthermore, the project also accounts for a complete block finality ranging between 1.5 and 2 seconds. The respective feature places it above several other rival consensus mechanisms. The University of Queensland will reportedly host the DSN 2024 at its Brisbase-based campus in Australia.

Microsoft-based Ivy Verifier Validates the Capabilities of Moonshot

According to the reports, it stands among the longest conferences of IEEE. In the case of expediting research to revolutionize the computing networks and systems, it occupies an important place. Back in November last year, Ivy Verifier of Microsoft formally verified the capabilities of Moonshot. The respective project denotes the gold standard when it comes to network security.