🚀 AUDIO ($AUDIO ) Daily Technical Analysis Update! 📉📈 Current Price: $0.2245 Market Overview: AUDIO is currently priced at $0.2245, experiencing a significant increase of 14.31%. The daily RSI is 72.2, indicating overbought conditions, while the 12-period RSI is at 67.1 and the 24-period RSI is at 57.4. The MACD shows a positive trend with DIF at 0.0088, DEA at 0.0007, and MACD at 0.0081, suggesting bullish momentum. The trading volume is substantial at 87.5 million, reflecting high market interest. Key Levels: Resistance: Immediate resistance is observed near $0.2716. A break above this level could push the price higher. Support: Current support lies around $0.1469. If the price drops below this, the next support level is around $0.1406. Trading Strategy: Given the overbought RSI, consider waiting for a pullback to the support level around $0.1864 for a better entry point. Watch for a breakout above $0.2716 for a potential rally. Setting stop-loss orders around $0.2000 can help mitigate risks. Stay tuned for updates, and trade wisely! 🌟 #AUDIO/USDT #CryptoTrading #TechnicalAnalysis #BinanceUpdate #AUDIOAnalysis