
Interesting.. What is $TURBO and why is there so much liquidation the past 1 hour? It's not even on Binance.

"Turbo (TURBO) is a cryptocurrency that seeks to merge the realms of artificial intelligence (AI), creativity, and community. It is a decentralized community that is powered by creativity and governed by AI.

Turbo believes in the potential of collective intelligence and the fusion of human creativity with artificial intelligence. The community operates on the principles of decentralization, enabling individuals from diverse backgrounds to come together and shape their future.

Turbo's approach to governance involves an AI Oracle council, which acts as a bridge between the community and the TurboAI Chatbot, their guiding intelligence. This council prompts the AI Chatbot, tapping into its vast knowledge and insights to make informed decisions and guide the community's direction."

From the developer's description... I have no idea what this means. Some "oracle" "AI" "memecoin" combined I guess. Damn they actually mixed all 3 of these hype keywords. This is what I was thinking of doing! Anyways..

It pumped a lot and caused huge short liquidations. Who actually even bothers trading these anyways? Also why did this pump? No clue. Will the pump last? Will it be a rugpull? No clue.

Don't trade shitcoins, please. It's a gamble.
