
Chinese 'Bitcoin queen' is locked up: Takeaway worker behind £3billion fraud who ripped off 128,000 investors as she splashed cash in Harrods and tried to buy a £23m Hampstead mansion is jailed for six years

>The Chinese 'queen' behind a £3 billion fraud wich ripped off 128,000 investors as she splashed cash in Harrods and tried to buy a £23 million mansion has been jailed for six years.

>Jian Wen, 42, acted as a front of a Bitcoin scheme and alarm bells rang when she tried to buy some of [London]'s most expensive properties. 

>Police raided Wens home and seized a safety deposit box containing digital wallets holding more than £1.4 billion worth of Bitcoin at the time, but its value has now risen to around £3 billion.  

>Wen, originally from [China] denied but was convicted of one charge of entering or becoming concerned in a money laundering arrangement at Southwark Crown Court between October 2017 and January 2022.

>The charge related to the laundering of 150 Bitcoin worth around £7.5m.

>Wen had insisted she had no idea the Bitcoin came from the proceeds of fraud and claimed she had been duped by one of the fraudsters, but today she was jailed for six years. 

Source : DailyNews UK