First Bitcoin Transaction

On May 18, 2010, Laszlo Hanyecz announced on the forum his desire to purchase two large pizzas using Bitcoin, offering 10,000 BTC to anyone willing to order, collect, and deliver them to his home in Florida. After a few days without any takers, on May 22, someone accepted Hanyecz's offer, marking the first documented purchase of goods using Bitcoin. At the time, the transaction was worth approximately $41 USD, with Bitcoin still being a relatively obscure and experimental digital currency.

In a 2019 interview, Hanyecz reflected on the transaction, noting that it "made [Bitcoin] real for some people. It certainly did for me". This historic event demonstrated Bitcoin's potential as a medium of exchange and showcased its real-world utility, paving the way for its eventual mainstream adoption and recognition as a significant financial asset.

$BTC #BitcoinPizzaDay2024