

Here are some fundamentals of NOT coin and its use case:

_Key Fundamentals:_

- NOT is a decentralized token on the Ethereum blockchain.

- Symbol: NOT

- Total supply: 10,000,000 NOT

- Circulating supply: 2,569,503 NOT

- Token economics: used for governance, voting, and payment of fees and services within the NOT ecosystem.

_Use Cases:_

- Decentralized governance: NOT holders can participate in voting on proposals for the development and growth of the NOT ecosystem.

- Payment of fees: NOT is used for payment of fees and services within the NOT network.

- Decentralized finance (DeFi): NOT can be used in various DeFi applications, such as lending, borrowing, and stablecoins.

- Gaming and NFTs: NOT can be used to create and manage in-game assets and NFTs.

- Predictive markets: NOT can be used to create and participate in predictive markets, enabling decentralized forecasting and decision-making.

Please note that the fundamentals and use cases of NOT coin may change over time, and it's always best to check.