Scam Alert!

Be cautious of fake distress messages like :

"Guys help my money is actually stuck in some wallet, or someone has emptied my walletplease help or im a newbie and I lost all my assets in wrong trading, so on.."

This is a common tactic used by scammers to manipulate and exploit sympathetic individuals. They aim to create a sense of urgency and panic, hoping you'll act quickly without thinking twice.

Don't fall for it!

- Never send cryptocurrency or reveal your private keys to unknown individuals, regardless of their story.

- Always prioritize security and verify the authenticity of requests.

- Be cautious of messages that try to evoke emotions like sympathy or fear.

- Report suspicious activity to the platform or authorities immediately.

Stay vigilant and keep your assets safe!

Remember, if it seems too good (or bad) to be true, it probably is!