Worldcoin (WLD) has recently come under scrutiny due to a controversial article making bold claims about its tokenomics, governance, and market dynamics. In this analysis, we dissect the article's assertions, verify their accuracy using up-to-date information, and provide a clear, evidence-based perspective to counter the misinformation.

1. Worldcoin Foundation's Recent Moves and Concerns

Claim: A prominent trader on Bybit and a top wallet owner on DeBank doubts Sam Altman and OpenAI's involvement in the eye-scanning protocol of Worldcoin.


  • Sam Altman’s Involvement: Sam Altman is a co-founder of Worldcoin, but his current role is more passive. OpenAI, led by Altman, has no direct involvement in Worldcoin. Concerns about Altman’s role are partially justified, but recent communications clarify his advisory position rather than daily involvement.

2. $200 Million Erased from Community Allocation

Claim: Worldcoin Foundation plans to release $200 million worth of WLD, representing 18% of the circulating supply, to trading firms at a discount.


  • Token Release: Worldcoin’s tokenomics include periodic releases to maintain liquidity and incentivize network growth. However, no official confirmation supports the claim of a $200 million release to trading firms at a discount. This claim appears exaggerated and lacks direct evidence from Worldcoin’s official channels.

  • Community Allocation: The use of "Community Allocation" to describe tokens sold to trading firms is misleading if not transparently communicated. Worldcoin needs to clarify its token distribution practices to avoid misinterpretations.

3. Inflation Concerns and Supply Dynamics

Claim: WLD's inflation rate has reached 0.6% per day, with a potential future rate of 4% per day.


  • Current Inflation Rate: Based on recent data, Worldcoin distributes 1 million WLD per week to its 1 million active users, which translates to a weekly inflation rate of approximately 0.54%. This aligns with the reported 0.53% rate.

  • Future Inflation Rates: There is no credible source projecting a 4% daily inflation rate. Such a high rate would be unsustainable and likely lead to rapid devaluation. Worldcoin’s actual inflation strategy aims to balance growth and stability, not to impose such extreme inflation pressures.

4. Market Maker Contract Termination

Claim: The Foundation ended a market maker contract that was preventing price squeezes on low float.


  • Market Maker Contracts: These contracts provide liquidity and stabilize prices. No official statements from Worldcoin confirm the termination of such contracts with the alleged intention of manipulating prices. This claim lacks concrete evidence and appears speculative.

5. Retail Holders and Selling Pressure

Claim: Retail holders will face $50 million daily selling pressure due to 4% daily inflation starting in July.


  • Selling Pressure: The projected $50 million daily selling pressure from a 4% daily inflation rate is highly exaggerated. With a current supply of 185.5 million WLD and an inflation rate of approximately 0.54% weekly, the actual impact on selling pressure is significantly lower.

6. Sam Altman's Over-marketing

Claim: Sam Altman’s role is over-marketed, and most retail buyers are unaware of his limited involvement.


  • Marketing Practices: While Sam Altman’s name is used for credibility, recent communications from Worldcoin have clarified his advisory role. The claim of over-marketing is valid to some extent but does not constitute deliberate deception.


The original article contains several exaggerated and unverified claims. the analysis shows that:

  • Sam Altman's Involvement: Limited but accurately represented in recent communications.

  • $200 Million Token Release: Exaggerated claim with no official confirmation.

  • Inflation Rates: Current rates are much lower than projected; no evidence supports extreme future rates.

  • Market Maker Contracts: Speculative claim with no supporting evidence.

  • Retail Selling Pressure: Exaggerated and not supported by actual inflation data.

  • Marketing Practices: Somewhat over-marketed but not entirely misleading.

For accurate information, investors should rely on Worldcoin’s official updates and verified market data. The cryptocurrency market is complex and dynamic; staying informed with credible sources is essential for making sound investment decisions.