I'm about to share a secret method used by savvy investors that can potentially help you make a lot of money quickly if followed correctly.

When a new coin is launched on Binance, many experts recommend not buying or selling within the first 72 hours due to high risk. While I agree with them, it's important to remember that high risk also means high reward opportunities.

Here’s the strategy:

1. Five minutes before the launch of a new coin, turn on your laptop or desktop and get ready.

2. Once the coin is launched, observe its price for two minutes.

3. Take your smartphone, open the Binance app, and go to Spot Options. Select Market Rate instead of Buy Limit.

4. If the coin is priced below $1 and its price is just 1 or 2 cents higher than its issue price, use 25% of your account balance to buy the coin.

5. Stay focused on your screen and monitor the price closely.

6. Within minutes, you should see the coin’s price increase by 10 or 20 cents from your purchase price.

7. Sell the coins considering the market hype, aiming to sell within 30 minutes.

This method takes advantage of the initial volatility of new coin launches for potential quick profits.$BTC #notcoin #altcoins #BlackRock #BinanceLaunchpool $USDC