BTC is predicted to experience fluctuations and a slow decline, similar to its drop from $73,000 to $61,000, which subtly depleted retail investors' funds. It is expected to continue rising until the end of July, likely settling between $50,000-$53,000. A rebound and increase are anticipated in early August, with predictions suggesting a rise to around $73,000 by the end of the year. In January 2025, the price is forecasted to hit a new high, then pull back in May 2025, and surge to $150,000-$250,000 in September 2025, followed by a prolonged bear market. If you're skeptical, save this post and let's witness history together!

👍👍👍Follow me for confident, patient insights as we await the next bull market together!

BTC Current Price: $61,154.21, up 0.76%.

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40.4k views, 60 likes, 0 quotes, 20 shares, 33 responses.

Top responses include:

- Eldon: "Fast-moving events here!" 💹💹💹💹

- Jumbo Jutt: "One of the best analyses in this space IMO! Great job. The 150K or 250K depends on the initial wave of ED."

- Square-Creator-78f16e5dd: "Responding to Spot Holder đŸ€©đŸ˜"

- BullBull: "How much money do you have in your wallet..? đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł"

- Spot Holder (Author): "I don’t invest in Bitcoin, I invest in altcoins. Because Bitcoin determines altcoins 😇"

- Marguerita Net EmjC: "We will have many months to buy đŸ™đŸ»"

- Feed-Creator-20bf1650f: "Shut up pls"

- OrgonioCryptoGain: 😅

- Saeem: "Strong buy signals"

- Feed-Creator-53ea8f72b: "How to get you in touch?"

- OmOrA Tycon: "First, BTC will go to 70k then it will be rejected back to 65k from there it will try to go 66k then again rejected and back to 59k slowly BTC will come to 56k"

- Square-Creator-27a9df05834786052ed9: "Thanks, Very Dear. Good... Very good analysis that sticks to reality. You did a great job to save us + our 💰! +.. Got a tip for you. đŸ™đŸŒ for warning 🚹. GOD Bless ✹You🌟"

- be rich or die: "I've taken a screenshot; see you at the end of the year"

- DireniƟ: "Everything does not repeat itself. You might manipulate a segment with traditional codes, but you can't measure investor reflex."

- Vernita Ostolaza n9XK: "Can you see the future?"

- Stacia Nold drrg: "😂😂😂 Troll"

This lively discussion showcases a range of opinions on the future movements of Bitcoin, from serious forecasts to playful banter.

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