#Binance Binance can change your life, Binance academy launched 20 courses aimed at training people in the area of specialization for BNB Chain developers. The program consists of twenty courses in English covering topics ranging from smart contracts to the development of Solidity and offers a digital certificate upon completion. It should be noted that Solidity is an object-oriented programming language very similar to javascripts or phyton, but its function is to create smart contracts. There is currently a great demand for developers and it is expected to be much stronger by 2026.

The goal is to prepare software developers to work in the Web3 and blockchain industry,

In my case I am a computer engineer and I have extensive experience in the area of computer science, but for me the blockchain and in particular smart contracts were like an unknown black box, I accepted the challenge and got my certificate, now I understand very clearly how the blockchain works and I am initially able to make simple smart contracts and defi applications, the road has just begun, my goal will be to enter fully into the fascinating world of blockchain developers. It did not cross my mind to take that step, but as I said initially, Binance changes your life.