32 Rules for Men in their 20s.

1. Develop a high stress tolerance.

2. Show respect to get respect.

3. Be a nice person, not a good guy.

4. Choose discipline over desire.

5. Train 3-5x per week.

6. Don’t procrastinate.

7. Stay focused.

8. Cut off distractions.

9. Start investing now.

10. Embrace discomfort.

11. Don’t kill your ego, use it.

12. Don’t chase women.

13. Work hard.

14. Learn a monetizable skill.

15. Eat real food.

16. Be self-accountable.

17. Never settle for good enough.

18. Take more risks.

19. Start a business.

20. Keep your family close.

21. Practice some kind of martial arts.

22. Have a network of competent men.

23. Study how money works.

24. Don’t ask for handouts.

25. Earn your stripes.

26. Stick to a routine.

27. Stay away from negative people.

28. Think critically.

29. Don't snake people.

30. Don't gossip.

31. Don’t follow what everybody else’s doing.

32. Last but not least, genuinely believe in yourself.

If you think you can't, you already failed before you start.$BTC $SOL $BNB #BelieveInTheFuture