
Elon Musk, the tech billionaire and visionary behind Tesla and SpaceX, recently took to Twitter to share his enthusiasm for Tesla's Cybertruck. In a tweet, Musk revealed that he had just driven the futuristic electric pickup truck around in Austin, Texas. As expected, his endorsement caught the attention of numerous Twitter users and sparked a flurry of comments and discussions. Interestingly, Musk's affinity for cryptocurrencies also came into play during this interaction, particularly with mentions of Dogecoin (DOGE) and XRP.

The Cybertruck and Musk's Endorsement:

Musk's tweet about driving the Cybertruck generated a buzz among fans and followers. As one of Tesla's most highly anticipated products, the Cybertruck has a distinctive design that has piqued the interest of many. Musk's endorsement adds to the excitement surrounding the vehicle, fueling anticipation for its eventual release and availability to the general public.

The Crypto Connection:

Notably, Musk's involvement in the cryptocurrency space has been widely known. Earlier this year, Tesla made headlines by accepting Bitcoin as a payment option for its electric cars. However, Musk later reversed this decision due to concerns about the environmental impact of Bitcoin mining. He emphasized that Tesla would only resume accepting Bitcoin if a significant portion of the mining process relied on renewable energy sources. This move sparked discussions and debates within the crypto community.

While Bitcoin has been the center of attention in Musk's crypto ventures, his fondness for Dogecoin has also been evident. Musk often mentions Dogecoin in his tweets, causing a surge in its value. His appearance on Saturday Night Live, where he referred to himself as "The DogeFather," further propelled Dogecoin to an all-time high price in May 2021. However, it is worth noting that Dogecoin has experienced a significant decline since then, currently trading well below its peak value.

XRP Enthusiasm and Musk's Preference:

In the midst of the Twitter exchange following Musk's Cybertruck endorsement, a prominent XRP supporter playfully suggested that they would buy a Cybertruck once Tesla starts accepting XRP. Despite the efforts of XRP fans to capture Musk's attention, he has maintained his affinity for Dogecoin and continues to mention it in his tweets. This preference for Dogecoin over XRP has left XRP enthusiasts hoping for a change in Musk's crypto interests.


Elon Musk's endorsement of Tesla's Cybertruck has generated excitement among fans eagerly awaiting its release. In the context of cryptocurrencies, Musk's involvement with Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and XRP has been a topic of interest and speculation. While Bitcoin remains in the spotlight, Dogecoin continues to hold a special place in Musk's tweets and conversations. As the crypto landscape evolves, the attention on Musk's crypto endeavors and his potential impact on digital currencies will undoubtedly continue.

Note: The information in this blog post is based on the provided news article. It is important to note that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and subject to rapid changes.

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