🚨 Attention! 🚨 Please take note: Avoid falling victim to scams! Over the past three years, I've been deeply involved in the industry, working on numerous corporate projects and fostering my own communities. Along the way, I've encountered various scams, including one that targeted me directly. Here are a few examples to be aware of:

1. 🕵️‍♂️ Scammers often impersonate managers from community project accounts, sending deceptive private messages to members. They might request actions like clicking on malicious links or sending money under false pretenses. Remember, legitimate project managers won't DM you asking for such things. If you receive a private message, it's likely a scam.

2. 💼 Once, I engaged in discussions with a project team regarding advertising and collaboration. They mimicked an account so convincingly that I was fooled. After gaining my trust over three days of negotiations, they sent me what seemed like project documents. However, one of the files contained a virus disguised as a jpeg, causing significant harm to my computer. Lesson learned: always use a separate, non-essential computer for opening links related to advertising and marketing.

3. 💰 Recently, there have been reports of fraud related to Binance Launchpool activities. Remember, legitimate projects are only accessible through Binance Launchpool, not through other platforms like Pancakeswap. Stay vigilant and only trust official announcements.

4. 👀 Be wary of anyone who approaches you privately with project offers. A follower from one of my communities fell victim to a scammer who initially seemed sincere. After gaining their trust, the scammer convinced them to invest $3,000 in a fraudulent project. Unfortunately, once the scammer disappeared, there was little recourse. Remember, creating fake Telegram accounts is easy and inexpensive, so don't trust messages sent privately or click on private links.

#ScamRiskWarning 🛑