
::security insights:: 

💥 You can be scammed by using you favourite project official links!

Project set their own "Official links" in various places:

- Twitter

- Official website

- Partners website, etc.

> So, when project change handle of their official Discord - the link to the discord changes and previous link becomes FREE to use!

> In that case scammers create a full copy of your favourite projects discord, and when you want to join project discord using link from their official website - you are directed to a scam discord copy.

> Rights after scammers ask you to proof your identity by signing few approval - which lead to all your fund being drained!

🤔 How to prevent yourself from being scammed?

> Never approve transactions you are not sure about

> Use empty wallet or wallet with a small amount of fund for suspicious interactions (never use wallet with all your fund on it)

> Use Security extensions, like PeckShieldAlert - which will prevent you from most of the scam cases.

Below (on the pic) you can see how many users where scammed due to #ALEO project changing their discord handle and not notifying their community about it (and not changing the link in their official sources)
