Signs of Over-investment in Meme Coins:

1. Over-identifying with meme coin investments:

- Buying a coin based solely on its meme appeal without considering its community strength or effectiveness.

- Continuously doubling down on failing investments or taking on debt to invest more.

- Recommending meme coins to others without acknowledging the risks.

- Excessive posting on social media about the meme coin.

- This behavior can lead to disaster.

2. Refusing to take profits:

- Investors may hesitate to sell when prices rise due to fear of missing out on more gains.

- Taking profits is essential to making money from investing in meme coins.

- Investors should set price targets and sell when the target is hit.

3. "It's different this time":

- Believing that this bull market is different and that the price will keep rising indefinitely.

- This mindset is often a sign that the bull run is nearing its end.

- Investors should avoid this thinking and stick to a well-considered investment plan.