Hi all! This is the 10th part of our #ST_Beginners column, today we will talk with you about FOMO. We will tell you what it is, how to deal with it and what the consequences can be!

FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a fear of missing out, an obsessive fear of missing out on something important and interesting. This term is firmly entrenched in the crypto-segment and it can be called the main reason for self-destruction.

It is worth saying that FOMO occurs in each of us to one degree or another, but it is important to learn how to control it and minimize the chances of an onset.

A simple example: Your friend flew into the boat, you dissuaded him, but he was able to get a few X's to his bank. At such moments, many people may have FOMO and you will say why he, and not me ...

Many who do not know how to control themselves begin to bite their elbows, get nervous and then fly into risky topics with the hope of picking up their X's. But more often than not, this leads to losses.

Let's make it clear how important this is. About 60% of your results depend on the influence of emotions and 40% on the ability to analyze.

🔖 How to deal with it?

- Always have a plan. You must build a strategy, structure and cut off what is not included in your intentions. Don't let feelings change anything.

- Clean your information field. It is important to have high-quality information inflows, leave groups and unsubscribe from channels that are not useful.

— Everywhere there should be a measure. Check news, channels, projects at certain intervals. No need to sit all day and try to fit into everything.

- Control your emotions. Always approach work with a cool head, evaluate whether your entry is emotional or backed by analysis.

🖇 The opposite of FOMO.

Also, not so long ago, they began to use such a concept as JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) - the joy of lost profits.

The point is that you don't have to worry about what everyone else is doing. As we said, you must stick to your plans for the moment.

The term is a response to FOMO. In crypto, it is important to adapt and have time to adapt, but not on an emotional background. Don't be afraid to be off topic.

We hope this post was helpful to you. Remember that the order of the emotional background is the order with money at any time distance. Get in touch!

#FOMODuck #newsbrief