A Ponzi scheme, also known as a financial pyramid, is a fraudulent investment operation that involves paying interest to investors with funds from new investors, rather than generating them from actual productive activities.

In this type of scam, the scheme organizer attracts investors with promises of high investment returns, often with little or no risk. To pay these initial returns, the organizer uses money from new investors. As more investors join, the scheme grows exponentially, allowing the organizer to continue paying high returns.

However, this scheme is unsustainable in the long run. Inevitably, there comes a point when there are not enough new investors to pay the promised returns. At this point, the scheme collapses, and the last investors lose their money.

How long have Ponzi schemes been around?

Ponzi schemes have been around for hundreds of years. The name comes from Carlo Ponzi, an Italian immigrant who ran one of the most famous schemes in the 1920s. Since then, this scheme, being one of the most far-reaching, was baptized with his surname “Ponzi”.

Charles Ponzi; He scammed thousands of people in Boston by making them believe in juicy returns that never came. Photo Reference: National Geographic

International reply stamps issued by the United Kingdom in 1959, the purpose of this was to improve communication between the sender and receiver in the context of international correspondence replies Photo Reference: National Geographic

Ponzi promised investors high investment returns on postage stamps, claiming he could sell them above market price. In reality, however, Ponzi was neither buying nor selling postage stamps. He was simply using the money of new investors to pay the returns of previous investors.

This is how the newspapers of the decade looked like, what yesterday they sold you in newspapers and magazines today they do it in videos or social networks. Reference photo: National Geographic

Since then, there have been many other famous Ponzi schemes, including that of Bernie Madoff, who defrauded thousands of investors of billions of dollars.

How does the scheme work?

  1. Attraction of initial investors: An initial group of people is convinced to invest in the scheme, with promises of high returns.

  2. Payment of “profits” to the first investors: Money from new investors is used to pay interest or dividends to the first participants. This creates the illusion that the scheme is profitable and encourages more people to invest.

  3. Exponential growth: Participants are encouraged to recruit new investors to obtain additional commissions. This causes exponential growth in the number of people involved in the scheme.

  4. Collapse of the scheme: The scheme eventually collapses when there are not enough new investors to pay out “profits” to existing participants. At this point, many investors lose most or all of their money.

This is how a pyramid scheme, or ponzi scheme, works in the financial system, they promise you that you will get money, when it's just a disguised scam full of lies... Referential Photo: Google

It is important to remember that Ponzi Schemes are illegal and fraudulent. If you are offered an investment opportunity that has the characteristics described above, walk away immediately! It is very likely that it is a Ponzi scheme and you risk losing your money.

How to identify a Ponzi scheme?

Ponzi schemes usually have some common characteristics:

🔾They promise high investment returns with little or no risk.

🔾They do not provide a clear explanation of how the returns are generated.

🔾They pressure investors to invest quickly and recruit others.

🔾They make it difficult for investors to withdraw their money.

🔾If you come across an investment opportunity that has these characteristics, it's important to research it carefully before investing.

How can you protect yourself from Ponzi schemes?

The best way to protect yourself from Ponzi schemes is to:

🔾Be wary of promises of high returns: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Legitimate investments don't usually promise exorbitant returns.

🔾Research: Before investing in any opportunity, thoroughly research the company or project, Carefully research any investment opportunity before you give your money. Look for information about the company, the products or services it offers, and the team that runs it.

🔾Understand the risks: Don't invest money you can't afford to lose.

🔾Be wary of pressure to recruit: If you are pressured to recruit new investors, it's a red flag. Ponzi Schemes depend on constant recruitment of new members to keep operating.

🔾Seek financial advice: If you are unsure whether an investment is legitimate, consult with a trusted financial advisor.

Remember: Your money is important! Don't risk it in a Ponzi scheme.

Remember that the best defense against fraud is education. If you know about Ponzi schemes and how to identify them, you can protect yourself from losing your money.

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