BTC has continuously stepped back to the 65,000 mark‼ETH bulls are all trapped‼ ️The watershed between long and short positions is coming‼A huge fluctuation is brewing‼Everyone has not figured it out yet. Is this round of trend a bull trend or a bear trend? During the first round of big drops on March 16, we have told you that this round of decline is a precise strangulation of stable bulls. 📉What is a stable bull? In the original bull market, those bulls who are used to buying and going long after the decline are called stable bulls. It can be seen that all the declines in the trend of the first two months are in the form of a plunge, and then they rise rapidly after the explosion. So these stable bulls can be said to have made huge profits🤑

But the funds in their hands have not been cleared since the beginning of the whole bull market. So this round of decline is as we said, and the decline is accompanied by many rebounds. This is why we have been shouting for shorts. We will give a support level to let everyone enter the market in a short-term manner, but the overall trend is that we still hold short orders for a long time. 📉

We also went long during the entire decline, but the long orders were basically profitable. The number of days will not exceed two days. However, our short orders will basically be held for about three to four days before they are directly sold, so I think it is clear at a glance whether this trend is long or short. So we have drawn this pressure point for you before, called 3680. You can see that this decline is a rapid plunge after the initial 3680, and it has now fallen by 400 points. Huge floating profits on short orders🤑🤑

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