#Blockchain Blockchain does not stop, but we can stop for a moment and remember how it has evolved.

It all starts with cryptography, which we can't say exactly how it was born, but it did gain strength during the First World War, when the need to send encrypted information was vital, much later cryptographic algorithms appeared, which were the basis to create the Blockchain, In 1976 was invented the Asymmetric Encryption technology with representation of private and public keys which allowed the establishment of completely secure communications, already with all a good base In 2009 Bitcoin was created which was the first cryptocurrency, so that later in 2014 appear the so-called alternative currencies, Ethereum gained notoriety in early 2014 when Buterin presented the concept of the blockchain project, 

In 1996, cryptographer Nick Szabo created the concept of Smart Contracts as a set of promises specified in digital form that the parties execute, smart contracts are born, which are agreements between two or more agents where once the conditions are defined, the consequences are executed automatically without the need for intermediaries.

Ethereum introduced Smart contracts but for smart contracts to be empowered they needed a link to the real world, this is achieved with the Chainlink technology, which allows sending real world data to the blockchain, with this appear the Defi or decentralized finance.

What is the Chainlink network? It consists of a decentralized network of node operators. It is built on the Ethereum blockchain platform and uses the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) to execute smart contracts. The network consists of two important components: oracles and smart contracts.

Smart contracts were a vital thing to create the Defi and non-ftoken non-fungible token NFTs in Ethereum,

In 2025, cryptocurrencies are given a boost with bitcoin ETFs.

What's next.   It could be definitive acceptance of cryptocurrencies in traditional banking, more standardization and I can't think of what else may come, technology doesn't stand still