Everybody wants some #Runes but are there any fair mints left?

Yo, crypto warrior! RUNES are all the rage, and for good reason – they're like little treasure chests brimming with potential. But hold your horses – with all this excitement, it's easy to get swept away without a plan. Along with #bitcoinhakving the fees have spiked to hundreds of sats/vb.

Here's the inside scoop: a lot of killer RUNE projects got minted and vanished into the NFT markets before the recent $BTC halving . By the time you hear about them, it might be too late to snag the top contenders.

But wait, there's a way in!

The pioneer developers that created many of the PIPE protocol tools, now decided to go Runes!

As we speak the work on a game-changing solution for the RUNES world, and guess what? They haven't minted all their RUNES. 8M are open for fair mint.

That's your chance to be an early adopter with a project poised for greatness! Why is this such a golden opportunity? Because the PIPE team isn't just some random crew. These are the pioneering minds who actually built a lot of the PIPE protocol – another UTXO protocol that skyrocketed last year! They're the real deal. If anyone can build something fast for RUNES - I would place a bet on them.

And here's the real value: The PIPE team didn't just dream up a cool idea. They already built a full-fledged platform specifically designed for etching and minting RUNES (check it out: https://ruins.garden/mint/840000:401 ). Not only that, they've developed all the algorithms with rock-solid proof-of-work on Github for complete transparency. Plus, they're planning a whole RUNES marketplace where their very own RUNE, cleverly named RuinsByInscribe, will be the first to list – with liquidity already in place!

The bottom line? Don't get lost in the hype. Look deeper and focus on RUNES with strong teams and a proven track record of building real tech. The PIPE RUNE, created by the same masterminds who built the PIPE protocol, could be the hidden gem you've been waiting for. Do your research, be mindful of those fees, and get ready to conquer the RUNE frontier with confidence!

You can follow them on twitter/X platform to learn more: @inscrib3