Many individuals enter in crypto to find a solution to their miseries.

The very first thought is that "I will be rich soon" without realizing that crypto is also the fastest way "to get poor".

99% crypto in this space operate like a company that has a:

* Founder

* Employees

* BD Team

* VC invested in it

* Competition

* Product life cycle

* A share (token) to be issued to public

The biggest advantage these companies find in crypto is that get a market (equivalent to stock exchange) from day-1.

These crypto markets (stock exchange) list them without doing a due diligence. The standard they follow are of their own.

Influencers are like TV AD for these companies.

99% people who enter this space believe everything to be same like (Bitcoin, Doge, Pepe, L1s, L2s) and they fill their bag with garbage.

63% crypto investors in India hold more Altcoins then Bitcoin. You know why?

One of the major reason is that:

Altcoins have a good marketers like companies listed on stock exchanges have a marketing team.

This shows that crypto community in India lack:

* Minimum basic understanding of the difference between Bitcoin and crypto.

* "papa kehte hain bada naam karega" moment. Crypto will help me to create that name!

All those who are giving valuable time of their life in making the community understand the basic difference and risk associated with crypto deserve a pat at their back!

Education in crypto space is very underrated but trust me it is one of the most important thing in crypto!!