What is Kim?

The OP stack Superchain network creates an interoperable highway that needs a modular liquidity hub for OP-native cross-chain liquidity and exchanges.

Kim is this highway.

As the Superchain ecosystem grows, Kim’s (short for Keep it Mode btw) mission is to cement itself as the core DEX and liquidity hub for the Optimism Superchain.

Calling Mode its home, Kim serves as an advanced super-DEX which is set to serve the entirety of the Optimism Superchain and become the most rewarding place to provide liquidity in Web3.

Our Mission

The mission is simple: become the liquidity hub of the Optimism Superchain.

Degens trading on Mode? Liquidity routed through Kim.

Institutions trading on Base? Liquidity routed through Kim.

Are you trading size from your parent's basement? Liquidity routed through Kim.

Mode is just the first step of Kim’s Superchain vision, our roadmap includes deployment on Base and Optimism, in addition to innovate features surrounding rewards and UX that make this mission possible.

The Plan

Incentives 👏 incentives 👏 incentives 👏

There is a war in crypto today. A war for your liquidity. It’s not the SEC vs Uniswap (though lfg you beautiful Unicorn), it is a war of protocols fighting to reward you to the best of their ability.

Kim will come out on top.

Here’s how we’re gonna do it: multi-layered incentives

Consider this; Kim is the largest receiver of the Mode DevDrop, in line to receive an OP builders grant, receives some of the highest sequencer fee-sharing rewards (ETH) from Mode Network, and is on the precipice of launching the $KIM token.

Let’s say we want to boost liquidity and reward users for providing ETH <> USDC:

User deposits LP and is rewarded with:

  • OP

  • MODE

  • ETH

  • Trading fees

  • KIM

  • Supercharged incentives in (X/Y/Z token) powered by Merkl

Each of these rewards have deep liquidity themselves so even when users are to be rewarded at scale there is unlikely to be any rapidly diminishing value of these rewards.

You can see a smaller-scale (though still extremely rewarding) example here.

Kim = Keep it Mode. Keep it Rewarding.

AND, one more thing, this is just the near future. As Kim continues its journey to become the liquidity hub of the Optimism Superchain the rewards available are likely to expand and grow, much like Kim’s liquidity pools.


Sayonara, amigos. Peace out from this blog writing intern.

Join the community over on Discord(discord.gg/kimprotocol) or add us to your feed on X/Twitter(@kimprotocol).