MVB Accelerator Program Teams Up with CMC Labs to Launch New Founder Track, Aiming to Incubate 100 New Projects on BNB Chain

We’re excited to announce that we have added a new Founder Track to the Most Valuable Builder (MVB) accelerator program. This new track is dedicated to the incubation of 100 new ideas on BNB Chain.

Since 2021, the MVB 10-week accelerator program has been run jointly by BNB Chain and Binance Labs with a mission to support Web3 builders and grow the BNB Chain ecosystem.

Apply today using this link.

What’s New?

This season, we welcome CMC Labs as a strategic partner for the MVB program. CMC Labs is CoinMarketCap’s accelerator program for ambitious, early-stage projects.

The MVB program has also expanded to include two tracks. The first is the Startup Track, which sees the program continuously admit and advise on new startups, facilitating the acceleration of their growth. 

The second is the newly added Founder Track, which serves as a venture studio committed to incubating 100 innovative ideas that address real-world needs. These ideas are intended for deployment on BNB Chain, with backing from Binance Labs. Ambitious builders are invited to apply to the Founder Track and collaborate on realizing transformational ideas.

How to Apply

Apply here

Applications are open until 23:59 UTC+0 on January 15, 2024

If you are an incubator, accelerator, or venture studio that would like to work with BNB Chain, or refer projects and builders to the MVB program, please reach out to

Note: Terms and conditions apply to successful applicants.

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