How much your Government own Bitcoins?

Bitcoin Holdings Of Governments Around The World 🐋 🤑

🇺🇸 US

Bitcoin Holdings: 212,847

🇨🇳 China

Bitcoin Holdings: 190,000

🇻🇬 Britain

Bitcoin Holdings: 61,245

🇩🇪 Germany

Bitcoin Holdings: 49,859

🇺🇦 Ukraine

Bitcoin Holdings: 46,351

🇸🇻 El Salvador

Bitcoin Holdings: 5,718

🇧🇹 Bhutan

Bitcoin Holdings: 621

🇻🇪 Venezuela

Bitcoin Holdings: 240

🇫🇮 Finland

Bitcoin Holdings: 90

🇬🇪 Georgia

Bitcoin Holdings: 66

Collectively, governments around the world hold 2.7% of the total #BTC  supply