What does NEAR Foundation want?

Of course, the answer is Money. However, for a large organization, making money will need a more complicated method, because the amount of money they want will also be more. So what specifically does NEAR Foundation want?

1. Token price $NEAR increased. Near Blockchain has more tx.

2. Create a new game, launch a new token and pull TVL to the system.

👉To achieve this goal, Near Foundation has created a new game, which is "Near Wallet - HOT mine" on Telegram. Through this application, with the special benefits that users receive when owning and using NEAR, NEAR's demand will be pushed up, helping NEAR increase its price. And Near Wallet also released a new token, which is $HOT .

The nature of “Mining” on Telegram

When a project launches a token, it will usually use two ways: Public Sale or Airdrops, in addition, there are some other ways such as LaunchPool, LaunchPad, etc. After that, the token will be added to DEX liquidity or CEX exchange list, officially. Transact and create value for Tokens.

However, with NEAR Wallet, the token HOT is "Claim" every day without the user having to spend anything (a little bit $NEAR is very little).

In essence, users participate in using the system and receive HOT tokens every day, this is no different from "Airdropping" tokens. It's just that it happens every day without users even noticing it, it's hidden under the name "Mint" and "Claim".

👉 So that means, NEAR Foundation is airdropping HOT tokens to users using NEAR Wallet.

Does Token HOT already have value?

I mentioned above that the token only has a price when it is listed on DEX or CEX and can be traded. But currently, HOT has not been transferred back and forth, nor has it been listed on the floor, so is HOT still valuable?

- Probably not yet, it's not listed yet.

- No, it hasn't been sold for a dime yet it has value, it can't even be transferred back and forth.

The answer is yes, HOT does have liquidity, but not direct liquidity, but liquidity through Memecoin tokens sold from Launchpad. Basically, the User sold HOT to receive back USDT through intermediary Memecoins like $UWON , $USMEME .

So who is the buyer of HOT? And how to buy?

HOT will be acquired by NEAR Foundation through Launchpad, let's do the following calculations:


1 UWON has a Launchpad price of 0.1$ HOT. UWON's TGE price is about $1. So, 1 HOT has been collected for about $10/HOT


USMEME is open for sale in a total of 3 rounds. Based on USMEME's TGE price, the average whitelist ring will sell for about $15/HOT. The public sale round is about $1/HOT.

So, through 2 rounds of selling UWON and USMEME, on average a user will "sell" HOT for about $5-10$. NEAR Foundation has collected HOT using USDT to add liquidity to UWON and USMEME. The amount of HOT that you commit to playing Launchpad will be collected by NEAR Foundation.

What is the main purpose of the Foundation?

To understand the Foundation's purpose, we need to review this picture. A for researching is to understand the project's wishes is to answer the question "Who gets what and what does they lose?"

What do users gain and lose?

Users are "Airdropped" for tokens HOT to $USDT from the air. User was very happy, and nothing was lost.

What does Foundation gain and what does it lose?

The Foundation spends money to create liquidity for the Launchpad token so that Users can cash out USDT. Foundation received HOT back.

Have you ever felt suspicious at this part? Foundation spends money to give money to brothers?

Foundation takes from the rich to give to the poor?

In my opinion, no, every step of the Foundation goes towards the ultimate goal of "Push up HOT prices".

Price increase scenario of $HOT

Team HOT also shared that HOT come a time when HOT cannot be mined anymore, and HOT will become increasingly scarce. Surely there will come a stage where HOT can only be obtained through buying and selling on the floor, which is the time for HOT's floor listing.

However, at the time of listing, there will definitely be a huge selling pressure from users who have mined HOT. Therefore, right now, the Foundation is very actively collecting HOT at extremely cheap prices through Launchpad Memecoin and upcoming Launchpad NFT. Therefore, the story of price support is also somewhat proactive.

The next story is to create demand, causing people to FOMO to buy HOT. There are a few scenarios that I think are highly likely to happen as follows:

👉 Tighten the supply of HOT with halving, no more HOT will be created. Later users who want to participate will only have the option to buy back tokens from others through CEX and DEX.

👉 A certain Launchpad project x10 x100 times, creating a fomo mentality to buy HOT to play Launchpad. This may be the brightest scenario, there will be a period when everyone who plays Launchpad will make a profit, the power of media and word of mouth will create momentum to make HOT's price rise to the sky.

Right now is just the stage of giving the sheep lots of wool, the end result is always "Shearing the sheep". Once the token is pushed FOMO, the value of 1 HOT will be 5 times 10 times the current value. That means you sell 1 HOT to the Foundation for $5 - $10, you will have to buy it back for $50 - $100 to be able to join Launchpad.

Storage plan $HOT

With target 1 HOT the price will be $50 - $100 when the market is fomo, there will be very limited in buying Launchpad at the present time, because joining Launchpad will help me make money right away, happily at the present time. But you should remember:

👉 Foundation is collecting at a price of $5-10$

👉 Buying Launchpad will only cause you to lose HOT, the most valuable thing in the end. Not Memecoin

👉 Don't let the time come when you will have to buy back the HOT coins you created at sky-high prices.

👉 Consider buying more HOT on listing day after you have sold all the HOT I have dug up.

What do you think, will you join Launchpad again? What are your plans?