The Evolution Of The First Cryptocurrency.

Origin Of Sound Money.

Philosophy & Mystery of Crypto Currency

Evolution Of Bitcoin

The Ancient Greeks Scholar Aristotle Concept Of Sound Currency

Principles Of Aristotle Sound Currency

Ancient Greeks Scholar Aristotle Introduced Five Basic Principle Of Sound Currency: Here Are The Five Principles👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿

1. Scarcity: The currency must have a limited supply.

2. Fungibility: Able to replace with an identical item or mutually interchangeable.

3. Transferable: Can be easily be transferable between owners.

4. Divisibility: Can be divided into smaller and smaller units.

5. Durability: Can survive test of weather and time without disappearing.

The first cryptocurrency (BITCOIN) invented in history adhere to all five principles of sound currency.

The question now is what evidence prove that BITCOIN adhere to all the five principles of sound currency?