In 21 days, his portfolio skyrocketed by 283 times! Let's find out how he did it

Smart wallet experienced exponential growth on $GROK.

☩ He uncovered this gem so early and Aped in without hesitation.

☩ As the price soared, he started actively selling coins.

☩ Although he is currently profiting more than $6M, he still hold and even DCA more than 200M GROK in his wallet.

GROK PnL and Equity

His second win is on wZNN just by discovering it at an early stage.

☩ His current PnL on wZNN is $89K

☩ He still hold a substantial amount of this token, potentially for a higher price surge.

wZNN PnL and Equity

Recently, he has been focusing on Froge.

☩ He started DCA this token at an early stage.

☩ Currently his total investment is $96.2K and has not taken any profits yet.

Froge PnL and Equity

His wallet address:


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