The speculative code of the crypto world:


Hoard spot assets, especially Bitcoin—the more, the better. If you don't have the money to hoard, find ways to earn it, whether by borrowing, working extra jobs, or any means necessary. This portion of your portfolio should remain untouched. Few people's total returns can outpace Bitcoin. No matter how much others seem to earn in a day, holding Bitcoin steadfastly will never put you in debt and serves as a safety net for recovery after other ventures fail.


After hoarding Bitcoin, invest in leading altcoins for speculation. Once you've doubled your investment, withdraw the principal and convert it into Bitcoin, while continuing to hold the remaining position. This is essentially like holding coins for free, with the goal of earning more Bitcoin and boosting your return on investment.


Long-term crypto holdings should account for over 80% of your total portfolio.


After securing your holdings, you can rest easy. If you feel lonely, use the remaining 20% of your funds for some light speculation, such as investing in lesser-known coins or learning to trade contracts. Keep a close eye on industry innovations and hot topics. This 20% is for chasing exceptionally high returns, and even if lost, it won't affect your overall position.


The purpose of entering the crypto world is to make money. If you focus daily on information about money, money will come to you. It's not about boasting or acting like you're the smartest person in the room.

The law of attraction: What you desire, life will provide!