Subject: An Open Letter to Richard Teng, Binance CEO: Addressing the Issue of Fake $PEPE

Dear Richard Teng,

As a fellow Singaporean and product of the same education system, I believe we share common values instilled in us from an early age – values of honesty, justice, and fairness. It is with these values in mind that I reach out to you regarding an urgent matter concerning the authenticity of $PEPE on Binance.

I urge you to take a closer look into the story behind @pepecoins on Twitter. This group of developers has been diligently working on $pepecoin since 2016, investing time, effort, and resources into its development. #pepecoin was in fact first mined in 2016, just like your $btc and $dogecoin mining because it was way before Ethereum was a thing back then. In 2023, they successfully migrated #pepecoin to Ethereum through a hard fork, aiming to expand its reach and utility.

However, what transpired next is deeply concerning. A group of malicious actors hijacked the $PEPE brand, stealing the logo, narrative, and identity of the original project and frontrun this team on the launch. Despite this blatant deception, the fake $PEPE has found its way onto Binance's exchange platform despite multiple attempts to dm Binance on Twitter back then.

Richard, I implore you to do the right thing. It is time to embrace accountability in our industry, especially as we enter a new cycle of growth and development. Mass adoption of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology can only occur if we uphold the principles of integrity and transparency.

Also to note, this group of developers at pepecoins did not stop developing since the theft. In fact, they kept building through the bear and they are launching #basedAI soon. By supporting the genuine project led by @pepecoins, Binance can set a precedent for ethical conduct in the crypto space. Let us uphold the values we were taught and ensure that truth prevails.

Thank you for considering this matter with the gravity it deserves.


A Singaporean living in Hougang.