This cycle isn't about retail.

It's about institutions like Blackrock and what they're going to do next.

RWAs are not just another narrative –– It's the narrative.

90% of traders are fading this.

Here's a breakdown:

1. RWAs

Real World Assets (RWAs) are an inevitable use-case for blockchain. They represent the tokenization of physical items of value.

Think of RWAs as a "digital double" of a physical asset (USDC, for example).

This could go for houses, cars, voting, stocks... you name it.

2. Fink

To understand the urgency of the narrative unfolding in front of you, you need to understand Larry Fink.

You know he's the CEO of Blackrock, and about the BTC ETF.

But do you know why he's actually bullish?

3. Tokenization

So. The CEO of Blackrock... in plain english... said he believes the tokenization of real world assets is the next step for the industry.

ETFs were not the end game; it was just the beginning.

And Blackrock is putting money where their mouth is.

4. What's Next?

Enough yap. If you want exposure, I can point you in the right direction.Just Follow me and Stay Tuned. đŸ€