It’s true. I have communicated and contacted people from about 130 countries. I deeply respect the different cultures of various countries and ethnic groups. Meme is a very interesting and liquid token that can connect everyone. .

You know that the technology in this industry still needs to be improved, and there are many traps, scams, Ponzi, etc. When I first joined this industry, I was very excited and thought I could make history. Later, I even felt a little sad and desperate. Later I found out more Excellent, honest and talented people are working quietly. I am very lucky to be able to work with excellent people to make the industry better. Although my current influence is not high, I still hope that everyone can unite and make the industry better. This industry has become like what it was at the beginning, letting technology change lives and making more contributions to mankind so that people can enjoy it.#WIF #BOME #icp #slerf #Runestone $BTC $ETH $BNB