3 COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID ABOSLUTELY! 🚹 I wish I knew it earlier 😭👇

1) Over-trading & Ignoring Market Trends

It's crucial not to let emotions drive your trading decisions. Create a solid plan and stick to it consistently. Typically, the most significant gains come from buying and holding, rather than trying to time every market fluctuation. It's important to stay updated about relevant developments and trends to make wise decisions! Last, Do NOT Try to Short in a Bullish Trend

2) Avoid Blind Bets!

Do not rush blindly into projects. I highly recommend to not invest in some crypto projects where you haven't taken the time to read about. If you don't want to learn about the project, then it probably means you lack of enthusiasm in it and you will miss crucial Tokenomics information. Check its community (what's its twitter score?), its security (go on Certik for audits) and its website (team, updates). Strong Projects require Strong Fundamentals

3) Weak Self-Custodial Security!

Keep changing your passwords (at lest once every 3 months) and when is possible integrate a two-factor authentication (2FA). Do not click on any link and MOST IMPORTANT, learn How To Revoke Contracts (e.g those used to connect your wallet to Decentralized Exchanges or others web3 websites). If you don't know how to revoke them, I'll make a specific post about it next few days (a step by step guide)!

Stay Safu, Don't Fomo & DYOR!

#TradingTipOfTheDay #LearnFromMistakes #FOMOisReal #tokenomics #learntoearn