Looks like the market is stabilising around the neckline on a 4hr basis, as per my analysis there are buyers at lower prices and any liquidation drive could get bought up.

There are bullish patterns which are higher lows forming up on the charts of $ETH $SOL and $RUNE right now and could be poised for an upside move with limited downside risk. (seen on 4hr chart)

There could also be investment plays like $LINK which can be purchased for longer term bull market as they have corrected decently and are at a buyable price for this market.

Always remeber friends, use leverage wisely.

if your using 20X make sure that your atleast 2-2.5% near the lows. a larger dip than that can easily draw you out of the game and make sure to use ISOLATED when your on multiple trades such that one the loosing position doesn't effect the winning position.

Risk management and position sizing is key. soo have fun trading and the best of luck to you all.


#BullishFuture #HotTrends #maxwin #Write2Earn