Captain's log, Stardate May26,2023 (Yeah, I know is the wrong format- geeks!).

This is my #firstpost on Binance Feed

I was thinking, for couple of days now, about my 1st post here. Future of BTC and blockchain? History? Our role in this ecosystem? Some insights Wallstreet Smart Money moves?

Then, I've seen the #BinancePizza cellebration of the #bitcoinpizzaday and I realised that life "in crypto" is crazy, amazing and makes history spin faster!

It spins so fast that one could actually smell the delivery box and know the flavor of those 2 pizza that marked history. This is how recent is this event. And, yet, in another era!

Today a #BRC20 coin named PIZA traded some 800K in volume, while blockchains are integrating the world - from ecology to #googleai

So, have good slice of pizza and enjoy the ride!