Most of the stop loss limits are being liquidated by binance internal traders. The biggest enemy to you as an average trader right now is the person who can view all your limit targets and manipulate the market to their advantage.

It's quite unfortunate that the backlash you see in crypto is because of centralized exchanges and that will continue until they are fully regulated.

Having being in crypto for a decade plus can easily tell you that it's hard to make money unless you do opposite of what exchanges tells you.

A classical example is with the recent listed tokens, they all rugged. Normally the conditions set to developers by Cexes cannot allow developers to just massive dump, it's the insider trading that is dumping on you. Cexes without mentioning the names have become thugs. Make sure you have it in mind that internal traders are the biggest market movers and it will mostly take a toll of your mind to make it no matter what research you do here.

This and other challenges are the drawbacks to making Bitcoin and crypto mainstream currencies. We have a long way to go unless we make Cexes upright.

My two cents observation.
