Often in life, we will get panic especially unpredictable situation arises such as our capital / investment went down. We all know that Crypto has its own risk - high risk, high return. Below are few tips helped me during the uncertainties:

1. Don’t panic buy or sell. Most often than not, these will be some decisions you will regret the most.

Ask yourself why you needed to sell this now and for what reasons. Take controls of your rationales > emotions.

2. Do your own research (DYOR). No one can advise how you manage your financials. There are signals out there, but ultimately needed to understand the purpose of your investment. For myself, I invested in few coins like #BTC, #ETH, #SYS , etc. as I believed in their fundamentals but not necessary the same for everyone. Not everyone in for quick gain or losses.

3. Focuses on what you can control. You can control the sales or buy of your investment. You can control how the overall market behaves. You can control your emotions. If you needed to sell for personal reasons, do it without any regrets. Most often than not, these regrets shouldn’t be affecting your mental health.

4. Ups and downs. We are all here for roller-coaster rides. Some coins will perform better than the others on different days. Unless you know what you are doing, don’t chase after the green candles. This will cause lots of panic when the green turns red and your investment / capital stuck.

5. Reality checks. There are million of posts that the coin can reach $100. It do understand how the market cap works and how much influx of money required to reach that. Benchmark against coins if they could dominate / replace BTC market values. As much as we all want to buy into hope, we needed reality check what’s making senses and not.

If you want more tips like these, do feel free to subscribe or follow or tips. Happy investing / trading. Stay safe !
