Bitcoin: King of Meme Coins!

Part 1

There it is... I just made a claim that will make the holy inquisition of Crypto Gurus to rain fire on my ignorant sorry excuse of an existence!

Given that I am not untouchable by fire or even a side-glance of displeasure to be honest, I should make amends immediately and then I will come back to the subject...

Oh great Crypto Gurus, I swear I hold BTC above all else as the unique God of the blockchain creation. Benevolent and all present, the only truth of the crypto universe.

Now that we took this out of our system, let me explain myself. The statement is neither a click bait nor an expert's wisdom. I feel it is just the result of a connect the dots simple puzzle.

Drawing from the very interesting article by #investopedia :,its%20use%20in%20an%20economy.

a currency...

"all it needs is to act as a store of value, be recognizable as a unit of account, and be accepted as a medium of exchange"

So far so good then ha? BTC and PEPE both pass the first exam - maybe not with the same grade but they do pass.

Once these conditions are met we go for the big showdown...

Investopedia author John Kelleher correctly goes on to suggest a 6 point scale upon which a "coins" success can be judged/evaluated. Namely...

Scarcity, Divisibility, Acceptability, Portability, Durability, Uniformity

So in terms of Divisibility, Portability and Uniformity I guess we could all more or less call it a tie. Shib for example has the same merits as BTC in terms of having many denominations, being portable and uniform.

... continues in part 2 ...

As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland!

#MemecoinSupercycle #meme #SHIBAđŸ”„