There I said it and I stand by it. Meme coins are just a fun Pozi scheme.


The nature of meme coins, Meme coins are in other words coins made as a joke. The whole point of buying this coin/token is to hopefully be able to dump these tokens on someone else for some profit. Thats IT. When you buy a meme coin your someone else's liquidity. You buy a meme coin not because you think the coin will have a use case in the future but because you think you can dump it on another guy. And that guy thinks he can dump it on another guy, etc, etc. All until the guy doesn't have anyone to sell the coin to and the price plummets. I just described a Ponzi.

Why do people buy meme coins in the first place? Well because they see people posting 100000000% gains. You get greedy so when some random guy on Twitter tells you that X coin will flip eth you drop your whole bag in. Then either 2 things happen. A) Coin gets rugged you sad. B) Coin goes up! Your in the green but instead of selling you and others start shilling the coin everywhere hoping to pump more! You get stuck in an echo chamber. Fuel ends and you're holding the bag. You are sad.

The difference between meme coins and other coins is well other coins have actual use cases. You buy other coins, yes because you think you can sell it for more but chances are you believe in the coins tech's future success so it will reach your desired price.

Meme coin = Pure hype

Other coins = You believe in the success of the tech

So TLDR: Every time you buy a meme coin, your hoping you can sell it to someone else for more. But chances are once you hear about the coin its already at or close to the peak. DYOR as always and always assume meme coins will go to 0. As the majority do.

#Meme #memecoins #ponzischeme #ponzi #dyor