- After seeing so many posts claiming that it is possible that PEPE can reach $1 and even claims that PEPE above $10 in 2025 is possible.
- This all made me decide to try and give some perspective to why it is impossible and just a fairy tail. PEPE is great and fun. But all these big numbers of reaching $1 or even more can be dangerous and misleading to newcomers in crypto.
- For PEPE to reach $1 with the current max supply, it will need to reach a market cap of $420,690,000,000,000 ($420.69 trillion)
- Bitcoin currently has a market cap of around $1,220,000,000,000 ($1.22 trillion)
- So PEPE will have to get a market cap of around 400x that of the current Bitcoin market cap.
- From a 2023 report, the total amount of money in the world is roughly $40 trillion in circulation. That is liquid assets; physical money, and those in savings and checking accounts.
- Even if they burn 90% of the supply of PEPE, it will still need to reach a market cap of $42,069,000,000,000 ($42 trillion) to get a $1 PEPE. There is really just not enough money in the world to achieve this.
- But one thing that can make it possible for PEPE to reach $1 is if the US dollar, for some reason, goes down the same path as the Zimbabwe Dollar. That ended up with printed bank notes with a face value of 100 trillion Zim dollars but only worth 40 US cents. This was because of hyperinflation due to a combination of factors such as excessive money printing, economic mismanagement and political instability.
- Let's just hope it never goes to that level. Luckily, we have crypto like bitcoin, which is now more than ever considered an asset and a store of value. This helps us keep our money safer against economic mismanagement by governments.
-This was my first post here. Hopefully, you liked it and would consider giving me a follow.
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